Soul Empowering Hypnosis

The Starkey Method

Have you tried everything to work through some problem or get an answer from the universe? Are you tired of feeling unsure, or unclear about your life path? Would you like a direct line to your guides, angels, or soul team? Let Soul Empowering Hypnosis (SEH) take you exactly where you’re meant to be. 

SEH is a rapid induction hypnosis technique meant to honor your experience and empower you to obtain the exact answers needed for your life path.  A SEH session is always personalized and flexible and personalized to the client’s needs- and why so much can change for the client in a short period. 

The technique works with both the conscious and subconscious mind to quickly make connections and resolve past hurts across a wide spectrum, repatterning problematic neural pathways in a gentle, natural way that supports the life one desires. Most issues are resolved in one to three sessions that last approximately two hours, followed by 21-30 days of listening to a short, bespoke audio recording made specifically for each client. A mix of NBR and short-form coaching (three to six sessions) is also available for individuals looking for more structured support for their change.  

A note from the practitioner:

Your soul has the autonomy in the session to take us anywhere and share the profound experiences and information it needs to help you here in this realm. It’s a flexible modality that delivers an Empowered consciousness.  And, as your helpful practitioner - I’ll advocate with your team and make sure we get you the answers you’re seeking! 

Program Details:

  • Zoom Session: Completion of the intake form. Review questions and themes, Induction in hypnosis and connecting with your soul team.

  • Audio Recording: Available for download within one week and available online for 30 days.

  • Recommended Follow-Up: Schedule a session with Kristy within 1 week of the session to further process and integrate.

Schedule a free consultation with Megan to learn more and schedule.

Practitioner: Megan McQuighan

Exchange: $155 per hour. Sessions are usually 2-3 hours.